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Lees meer op bijvoorbeeld agronomy.org

function [C,K,theta] = vanGenuchten(h,phi)

alpha = phi(1);
theta_S = phi(2);
theta_R = phi(3);
n = phi(4);
m = phi(5);
Ksat = phi(6);

% Compute the volumetric moisture content
theta = (theta_S - theta_R)./(1 + (alpha.*abs(h)).^n).^m + theta_R;

% Compute the effective saturation
Se = ((theta - theta_R)./(theta_S - theta_R));

% Compute the hydraulic conductivity
K = Ksat.*Se.^(1/2).*(1 - (1 - Se.^(1/m)).^m).^2;

% Compute the specific moisture storage
C = -alpha.*n.*sign(h).*(1/n - 1).*(alpha.*abs(h)).^(n - 1).*(theta_R - theta_S).*((alpha.*abs(h)).^n + 1).^(1/n - 2);


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Groet Paul van Genuchten, Wageningen.